Graduating High School is a BIG deal! Congratulations Sadie on all of the amazing things you’re going to accomplish! I have loved getting to know you! Thank you for braving wind, rain, and cold with me! You are incredible!  


June 26, 2019

Sadie | 2019 Senior | Lincoln, NE | Stewart Photography

Many people dream… it is a rare person who puts those dreams into action to make it a reality. Sam you define the word inspiration through your candid approach of  health, self care, and perseverance!

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September 21, 2018

Sam | Fitness Shoot | Styled Shoot | Lincoln, NE

This. This is where I want to spend more of my time. Style Sessions have my heart. Kealey has followed her dreams with dance, yoga, and inner peace. I am proud of her and photos like hers is where I want to be!

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May 25, 2018

Kealey | Style Session | Lincoln, NE | Stewart Photography

There is nothing like reuniting with and old friend, a new dress, and some killer sunlight! Keeley you are stunning!

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September 28, 2017

Keeley | Styled Session | Lincoln, NE | Stewart Photography

Impromptu session by the creek bed with this inspiring entrepreneur. She is always up for an adventure and her soul is something to be imitated. Cali, you are incredible! And her puppy… she’s pretty incredible too!

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September 26, 2017

Cali | Style Session |Lincoln, NE | Stewart Photography

Jill said it best when she stated, “It’s crazy how we take engagement and wedding photos to mark those amazing times in our relationships, but then drop off when the most magical growth and learning of each other really starts and continues. And also because on the hard days, I want to remember this. Love […]

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June 13, 2016

Deven and Jill | Anniversary Shoot | Lincoln, NE
